Games for health? It ain’t no joke!

The annual Games for Heath conference takes place from June 11 to 12th. This innovative meeting focuses on using games to aid in therapeutic rehabilitation, disease management, epidemiology and disease management.

Events such as these may seem to be bringing the world of Science Fiction into our everyday lives, but gaming is in fact a very useful tool. We should know, at eViP we see many external projects that use Second Life as a platform for interactive PBL sessions.

Medical gaming expert Ben Sawyer writes extensively about the impact of using games in healthcare. In a guest article for heath care IT expert Shahid N. Shah’s blog, he writes:

Today the VR health and games for health fields co-exist. They have much to share with each other—and do. VR health supplies the games for health field with a much needed research base and ethic to uphold, while the games for health space bring many elements of scale, business case, innovation and creativity to the overall idea of media base behavior change, 3D graphics psychology and more.”

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