What is Web 2.0? (And why should you care?)
Throughout the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients we will be exploring how Web 2.0 technology impacts medical and healthcare education.
Web 2.0 is altering how we as educators communicate ideas and share content with our students, and how students communicate with each other. But what does Web 2.0 mean?
Although for many Web 2.0 is synonymous with social networking websites, it encapsulates so much more than that. Web 2.0 describes the shift in the way we create and share online content, and how we engage with each other on the World Wide Web. The possibilities for new, exciting and creative teaching methods are endless.
The students of today are Web savvy, and chances are they use social networking applications every day, both as part of their education, and more generally – from writing personal blogs that may generate peer-to-peer discussion on subject areas, to creating and sharing content on You Tube, and even attending lectures and seminars in virtual online worlds, such as Second Life. Web 2.0 clearly has the potential to transform the way we teach medicine and healthcare.
Throughout the International Conference on Virtual Patients 2010 and MedBiquitous Annual Meeting there will be the opportunity to learn more about Web 2.0 so you can make the most of it. Follow us on Twitter using the #ICVP2010 tag.