During the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients and MedBiquitous Annual Conference pre-conference workshop on Web 2.0 in medical education, some interesting statistics were raised:
- Social networks are the 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email, shopping online and searching for information (Neilsen Online).
- There are approximately 600 Tweets per second on Twitter. That’s 50 million Tweets every day.
- On You Tube, 4.1% of all videos are educational, with 20-35 year olds being the most active in sharing video content.
But the best summary the evolution of Web 2.0 is provided in this You Tube video by Michael Wesch, which we showed during the workshop:
So how does this apply to medical and health care education? Here is another wonderful video, again by Michael Wesch, that characterises students of today. Some very interesting revalations here: