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ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to the Web: Part Three

One of the key features of Web 2.0 is the ability to collaborate on the creation of online content. Google Docs is a great example of free web-based software that provides text documents, spreadsheets and data storage, where access can be shared.

ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to Web 2.0: Part Two

During the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients and MedBiquitous Annual Conference pre-conference workshop on Web 2.0 in medical education, some interesting statistics were raised: Social networks are the 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email, shopping online and searching for information (Neilsen Online). There are approximately 600 Tweets per second on Twitter. […]

ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to Web 2.0: Part One

What is Web 2.0? (And why should you care?) Throughout the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients we will be exploring how Web 2.0 technology impacts medical and healthcare education. Web 2.0 is altering how we as educators communicate ideas and share content with our students, and how students communicate with each other. But what […]

Using CAMPUS VPs in medical education

Medical students play a crucial role in the eViP programme, helping medical educators and learning technologists develop virtual patients for their curriculum. Here Maren Ebert, a medical student at Heidelberg University in Germany talks about using CAMPUS virtual patients, and describes her experiences using these VPs.

eViP Virtual Patient Referatory now available!

The eViP Virtual Patient referatory is now available. This gives medical educators and their students open access to our collection of repurposed virtual patients (VPs). As Dr David Davies from The University of Warwick Medical School explains: “The main goal of the eViP programme is to make available a large collection of repurposed VP cases. […]

Dr Sören Huwendiek from Heidelberg University, Germany, was awarded the prestigious Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator Award at the AMEE 2009 conference in Malaga, Spain. Here he talks to Sian Claire Owen about what this award means to him, and also about the work he is doing at the Centre for Virtual Patients in Heidelberg. […]

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The importance of collaboration in VP research and development

Samuel Edelbring from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm talks about the importance of collaboration and exchanging ideas in research into VPs.

e-Learning Opportunities in Witten-Herdecke, Germany

Dr Martin Fischer and Dr Marzellus Hofmann from Witten/Herdecke, in Witten, Germany talk about past and present e-learning opportunities at the university. In the past, a combination of a lack of resources, didactic hesitations and concerns about curriculum integration have hampered the full integration of e-learning resources at Witten/Herdecke. However, as Martin and Marzellus explain, an increase […]

eViP Travelog: The Great German Journey

My name is Sian Owen and I work with Dr David Davies at The University of Warwick Medical School in Coventry, UK. Part of our role within eViP is to raise awareness and disseminate information about the programme. At the moment I am traveling across Germany visiting our German Partner Institutions: Witten/Herdeke University, Heidelberg University […]