Virtual reality and medical education: Creating scenarios in Second Life.
Families of Virtual Patients for students at Heidelberg University
Dr Anke Simon from the Centre for Virtual Patients at Heidelberg University in Heidelberg, Germany talks to eViP about the CAMPUS Family project.
Student feedback directs e-learning resource development at LMU
Communication and feedback are crucial for developing effective e-learning resources for medical students.
The power of podcasting in medical education!
Dr Thomas Brendel from the Working Group for e-Learning at LMU Medical School in Munich, Germany, talks to eViP about the advantages of introducing podcasts into the medical curriculum. In 2009, Thomas and colleagues published the results of a study on the effectiveness of podcasting in the medical curriculum. This study involved 240 third year […]
Dr. Stephan Oberle outlines the Longitudinal Interdisciplinary VP Project
The Longitudinal Interdisciplinary Virtual Patients Project, is run by Dr Stephan Oberle and colleagues at the Centre for Virtual Patients at Heidelberg University in Germany. This project focuses on integrating virtual patients across the medical curriculum, from clinical to pre-clinical phases. At the University of Heidelberg, VPs were generally used in the clinical phase of […]
The new eViP CAMPUS VP Player
Jorn Heid, Frank Hess and Simone Huber from Heilbronn Informatics and Heidelberg University, at The Center for Virtual Patients in Heidelberg, Germany, talk about developing the CAMPUS VP players. Jorn Heid was instrumental in helping develop the CAMPUS VP player and has since helped create the CAMPUS Card player. The team also recently developed the […]