eViP Projects
The eViP programme comprises six projects, or ‘work packages’ (WP) that fit underneath the eViP programme ‘umbrella’. Each project, listed below, is led by a partner institution with contributions from all eViP partners.
- WP1: Pilot case study and evaluation (led by St George’s University of London, UK)
- WP2: Standards implementation (led by the Karolinska Intitutet, Stokholme, Sweden)
- WP3: Virtual Patient repurposing and enrichment (led by the Karolinska Intitute)
- WP4: Awareness & dissemination (led by the University of Warwick, UK)
- WP5: Assessment & evaluation (led by the Faculty of Medicine Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
- WP6: Exit & sustainability (led by Medizinische Fakultat der LMU, Munchen, Germany)