The vision of the eViP Programme is to create a shared online bank of 320 virtual patients (VPs), adapted for multicultural and multilingual use, for the improved quality and efficiency of medical and healthcare education across the EU.
Programme Objectives
The objectives of the eViP Programme are to:
- Collate VPs from partners’ existing collections and select cases for repurposing to local educational needs.
- Promote the inter-professional sharing of VPs between different healthcare disciplines such as medicine, nursing, physiotherapy and dentistry.
- Implement common technical standards for all VPs in collaboration with MedBiquitous.
- Restructure content to standards-compliant structure, metadata including the culture and language metadata of the partners (English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Romanian) and content packaging; all to enable “multi-lingual access”.
- Further enrich the content of the repurposed VPs with the addition of supporting resources e.g. supporting basic and clinical science resources, clinical skills videos, owned by the partner or in the public domain, or available under an appropriate Creative Commons License.
- Share enriched VPs with the wider EU community through an online referatory.
- Evaluate how the repurposed and content-enriched VPs meet the individual needs of the project partners and the wider community.
- Share templates and tools within the EU community for the easy creation of new VPs
- Disseminate best practice guidelines for creating and sharing VPs and evaluation instruments for VPs and for learning & teaching activities using VPs
- Embed a sustainable model for the storage and retrieval of VPs beyond the lifetime of the 3-year Programme