Unique ID | evip:vp:1000589 |
Title | Joanna Milowicz (enquiry-based feedback) |
Description | This is the story about a Virtual Patient called Joanna Milovicz who is a 19-year-old first time mother who presents with lower abdominal pains, urinary frequency and thick vaginal discharge. The case takes students through the possible causes for all of |
Sex | Female |
Age | 19 years |
Keywords | Pregnancy, obstetrics, cardiotocography |
Author | |
Institution | St George's, University of London |
Email Contact | [email protected] |
License |  |
URL | https://app.decisionsimulation.com/player/vpplayer.aspx?caseID=ed40b5e1-3ed9-4d43-85be-5406e13a4d75 |
Content Package |  |
Language | English |
Virtual Patient System | vpSim |
Date | |