Unique ID | evip:vp:1000817 |
Title | Vomiting infant |
Description | It is two p.m. You are a doctor in the emergency department of a paediatric clinic. They call you in to see a seven-week-old, male infant named \'Lars\' who has been vomiting for five days. |
Sex | Male |
Age | P49D |
Keywords | Vomiting, Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Q40.0 |
Author | |
Institution | Universiteit Maastricht |
Email Contact | |
License |  |
URL | http://virtuellepatienten.de/evipprod/startplayer.jsp?token=guest&init=true&user=campus&case-id=161264 |
Content Package |  |
Language | English |
Virtual Patient System | CAMPUS |
Date | |