We are very pleased to announce that eViP member Dr Sören Huwendiek from Heidelberg University, Germany, was awarded the prestigious Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator Award at the AMEE 2009 conference in Malaga, Spain.
This new award, created in 2008, recognises those who have made outstanding contributions to medical education in a relatively short time.
As stated on the AMME 2009 website, the award will go “to a person who has made an extraordinary effort and contribution within the field of medical education in terms of design/implementation of innovative methods or approaches to teaching, curriculum, courses, assessment, evaluation of education or faculty development.”
Here, Dr Huwendiek talks to eViP about his award.
Dr Huwendiek is one of the chairmen of the Centre for Virtual Patients at the University of Heidelberg , and has conducted extensive research into the effectiveness of virtual patients in the medical curriculum. A full list of his publications can be viewed here.
AMEE 2009 was also a successful meeting for Chara Balasubramaniam and Steven Malikowski from St George’s University of London, who received second prize for best poster entitled “Google, Wikipedia or Tutors: What do the students choose?”