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Saving time and ensuring content fidelity in VP creation

“Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to make better virtual patients” says Janet Tworek from the University of Calgary, Canada. Statements like this are bound to catch our attention!

ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to the Web: Part Three

One of the key features of Web 2.0 is the ability to collaborate on the creation of online content. Google Docs is a great example of free web-based software that provides text documents, spreadsheets and data storage, where access can be shared.

Collaboration and Evolution with Virtual Patient Creation

Dr Daphne Vassiliou, from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden described how she and colleagues introduced virtual patients into their curriculum, and the challenges of maintaining those VPs

A call to ACTION in e-Learning

Medical education is going to be exciting, rewarding, achievable, but the degrees of effective failure in applying ICT to education must be questioned, says Professor Ronald Harden from the University of Dundee, Scotland.

ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to Web 2.0: Part Two

During the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients and MedBiquitous Annual Conference pre-conference workshop on Web 2.0 in medical education, some interesting statistics were raised: Social networks are the 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email, shopping online and searching for information (Neilsen Online). There are approximately 600 Tweets per second on Twitter. […]

Medbiquitous: Building Frameworks for Collaboration

By Supriya Krishnan and Sian Claire Owen Peter Greene, Executive Director, MedBiquitous, United States addressed the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients and MedBiquitous Annual Meeting on how virtual patients have the power to transform healthcare education. MedBiquitous is an organization involving eight working groups and 59 member organizations. The MedBiquitous Virtual Patient Working Group […]

Curriculum Transformation using Virtual Reality

Virtual reality and medical education: Creating scenarios in Second Life.

ICVP 2010 Rough Guide to Web 2.0: Part One

What is Web 2.0? (And why should you care?) Throughout the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients we will be exploring how Web 2.0 technology impacts medical and healthcare education. Web 2.0 is altering how we as educators communicate ideas and share content with our students, and how students communicate with each other. But what […]

Secrets of Creating and Maintaining Virtual Patient Case Collections

ICVP 2010 & MedBiquitous Annual Meeting: Secrets of Creating and Maintaining Virtual Patient Case Collections

Communication and Emotional Realism in Healthcare Simulations

Professor Guid Oei from the Maxima Medical Centre in The Netherlands talks to eViP about MedSim, a large scale medical simulation centre for obstetrics and gynecology teams. “The department is a simulation centre, and the main focus is multidisciplinary training,” says Professor Oei. However, this centre is designed not only to enhance health care student’s […]